Our Neighbor!
Mail, Toe, Meds
Secondly, I jammed the little toe on my right foot this morning on my way to the shower. I've done this many times, and usually it just gets black and blue for a while, hurts, and goes away. But, this time, with the jam, I got a nice big slice across the top of my toe. It's pretty deep, and stings. Get what we don't have around our apartment...band aides. Time to go to the pharmacy... It's bad though because it is in a very inconvenient place. I don't want it to get infected...but you should see the door where I cut it...the wood isn't smooth, it's jagged - which is why I think I got a cut this time. Ew... (sorry no picture...that just wouldn't be right...)
Lastly, David and I are getting pumped up about the new Harry Potter book and movie that will be coming out this summer. He's started reading the 6th book (Half Blood Prince) again but still wants to get all of the books to read before the last one comes out. There are now trailers available for the 5th movie (Order of the Phoenix)... I've been trying to finish the first Lord of the Rings book, and I'm getting there, but with all this talk about Harry Potter I have the urge to read those instead. I'm glad I got back into reading...it's a good thing.
My family in Paris.
So then we went to the Eiffel Tower to meet them. We met directly underneath the tower...it's pretty easy to meet someone when you say "I'll meet you directly underneath the Eiffel Tower in the center." If you get lost with those instructions, you've got a problem. This is the picture I liked the most from our time at the Eiffel Tower. It is from the very top...see its shadow?
At the very top Anna called our cousin Ben (my Aunt and Uncle's son) to say "hello" from the top of the tower. But he wasn't there, so we left a message...but it was a nice thought. Anna will be their tour guide through France and will travel with them into Italy.
On June 10 it will be even more convenient for us to meet friends and family traveling through Paris because of the TGV! Only 1:25 minutes instead of 3 hours. But it still isn't cheap, so sorry if we can't meet you, but we'd like to!
Hopefully the end of our allergy season - since it's almost May and I actually bought a box of tissues...so now that I'm prepared it will probably end. (fine with me!)
The box that fell down our four flights of stairs this afternoon because I was carrying too much - it was very cool and it still survived.
The Little Things.

These are officially our new pots and pans since we didn't get any for our wedding. I'm really excited! We also got a coffee table which will help us out in a lot of ways. We now have more space for guests to sit and eat, and watching movies from this height is much better than what we were doing before. With people watching from the floor it was hard to see. This will work much better. So, technically all this stuff isn't just for us. :o)
We also bought a potato masher and a knife sharpener and some 'cutting boards' to protect the surface of our waching machine.
David also got some running shoes. They are SO hard to find here...these people need better shoes. I'm surprised their feet last so long. AND they were really on sale so we were super happy. So, now we will go running.
Just like the horror stories and bad experiences you would hear about from an experience at a DMV, the same is usually true about the prefecture. Therefore, we went with the mind set that this would talk all morning and be very frustrating.
Good news! We had a very pleasant experience today. They opened at 8:30am and we arrived a little before then and waited outside in the "line" that had been forming.
(I say "line" because I still have yet to see French people that understand the concept of standing one behind another to wait your turn...they just like to merge together slowly and whoever happens to have pushed they way to the front will get to be first. This is very frustrating having been raised in a culture where taking turns and walking single file was highly stressed.)
While we were waiting David decided to check out what was necessary to have his address changed on his carte du sejour (since he's moved off campus). We determined that he could probably assemble all the paperwork he needed while we were waiting so that he could go ahead and take care of his too. So he got a number...721. He left to go buy a stamp and get an envelope while I started making copies of the documentation that he needed (because I had just about everything with me from having to get a visa).
While he was gone the numbers jumped from 701 to 709 very quickly and I didn't think he would make it back in time to go with me into the room. Luckily, just as my number was being called he walked in the door and we went back together. The man took my paperwork, said everything was good, prepared my receipt and saw that David had a piece of paper as well. After David told him that he was also going to change his address, he said "We can go ahead and take care of that now." ! Amazing...David wouldn't need to wait for 721 to be called, he was going to go ahead and process everything. THIS we did not expect at all. The guy was very nice. He let David go back outside, take the ID photos he needed, and then finish the process. So, we got both of our issues taken care of at the same time - oh the benefits of marriage.
I guess I am so excited to tell you all of this because it doesn't seem like this kind of efficiency and willingness to help is seen very often. Here or in the US...especially at places like this. Just think of how much happier people would be if this were a more common place occurrence!
The next step to obtaining the carte du sejour is a medical exam (chest x-ray) and then waiting many months for the card to actually be ready. But this is doable...no rush.
On another note, I am very excited about what I'm making for dinner tonight! It will be a surprise to David, but since he never reads this I can tell you. I'm going to make zucchini fritters! They sound so yummy. I just stumbled across the recipe the other day when I was actually hoping to find something neat to do with yellow squash...but I haven't even seen yellow squash at the store yet, so this works even better. I will make something else to go with them but I'm not sure what yet...maybe something with mushrooms...I have a lot of mushrooms. Oooo, I could make stuffed mushrooms...I have spinach! Yes! Dinner tonight will be delicious!
-=Later in the day =-

finished fritters
(zucchini, scallions, egg, pepper, four)
They were very good. Something I will be making again. It's just a little time consuming without specific kitchen utensils.
A little bit on Politics.
I made a video of the event. I got a few pretty good shots. Take note of the theme song. This was made especially for her campaign...techno. Don't you just love Europe? What if candidates in the US did this? Would they win more votes or lose them because it would be seen as unprofessional? Let me know what you think.
Joy. Japanese Style!
Eileen sent us a box from Japan.
I bet the people in the post office are impressed that we have friends from all over the world!
Eileen is impressive, she always manages to send so much in such small boxes. I used to send enormous boxes with lots of packaging...
Look what she sent us!
Crystal Mint gum, I think.
David's favorite Koala cookies (when he eats these he goes crazy...it's hard to contain him, seriously)
A new flavored KitKat (these are always pretty good)
More chopsticks! Now we have 4 pairs! Time for an Asian dinner party.
Then, what looks like cracker french fry-like things.
And pancake flavored "biscuits" (in France biscuits are cracker/cookies, so probably similar to those)
How exciting! Thanks Eileen!!
I'm still trying to find something that is really French that is easy to send you. I don't think you want me to send any baguettes or pastries...they would be rock hard by the time you got them. Usually, here in France, you can find the same things you can get in the US just less of it, or less of a variety. For example, they have M&Ms, but you will almost always only find peanut M&Ms. Not the regular ones...
In other "Swafford News," I picked up my bank card today (debit card basically) So now we each have our own card. April 11 and I finally have a card...no biggie...I could have waited longer to have access to our money :o)
Next point of business...getting my Carte du Sejour (French equivalent to a green card in the US) and editing my French Professor's 50 page paper!
Au Revoir!
Easter Weekend
Friday, when I got home I was very sleepy from traveling. I wasn't able to get the kind of sleep I had the first time traveling to France by myself. The other passengers on the plane with me were a little bit more rowdy, and I couldn't sleep as well as I would have liked on the train. This time, I flew into Frankfurt, Germany. It was much less complicated than having to navigate with lots of luggage through Paris, but I do have one complaint. All their information booths were electronic. Sometime's you just need to talk to a person. I ended up having to ask the currency exchange lady a question. But, most people in the Frankfurt airport speech very good english...except for a little old lady that was standing outside one of the doors...
Friday night David made a quiche for dinner. It was delicious. I was very impressed - see, he can survive without me! We slept very late on Saturday morning. I don't know if it was because of my jet lag or just because I was tired from traveling, but either way it felt great. Saturday we had plans to go ice skating. The last time we tried it was closed and we didn't realize it. See:
two leaves vs. almighty creator
A very important phone call... My visa is ready! Amazing! It won't take 5 weeks! So immediately I started to look for plane tickets back, since I had to have an itinerary to pick up the visa. Originally I thought, wow...there must be something to this whole clover thing. Then I realized...it wasn't the clover...(it's never the clovers).
I had talked with my friend Eileen even closer to the time I got the good news and she told me that she would pray about everything. Well let me tell you, Eileen has a powerful connection with God and I believe this is why my visa made it through today. She had prayed for a miracle, that God would surprise me and I'd get to return sooner than I thought. And that exactly what happened. I will be leaving this Thursday!
Just a few minutes ago my sister also reminded me that my situation had been put onto multiple prayer request lists, so I was 'well covered.' Thanks everybody!
So, when it comes to putting my trust in something I'm going to stick with what I don't always have to search through the grass for hours to find.