"To knit or not to knit."
Because we had such a cool almost no-existent summer, I've decided that I will need a blanket/quilt this winter for around the apartment. So, I'm putting my very limited knitting skills to work. First I bought some yarn and made a pattern:

Then I made a bunch of squares. I started with the big one in the middle and have been working from there. Then, my friend Alex, signed us up for a
knitting class (and most of the people there were pretty young...so nobody make fun of me!). At the class the instructor showed me how to knit the squares together properly. So when I got home, I decided to try it! I bought a crochet needle to help me make the seams (essential!).

You have to make the stitches really tight so that the squares aren't too loosely connected. So, you stitch the underside of the quilt like this...and then the top of it ends up looking like this:

It doesn't look too bad. And it feels so warm! So this is what I have so far. You can see the big square (from the design I drew) in the upper left hand corner. I'm currently working on the pieces that surround it so I can add them next and it looks more
symmetrical. But it is nice just having this because while I knit I set it on my lap and it keeps me warm already!

This is a close up view of the seam from the underside of the quilt.
Hopefully I'll finish before it get too cold for my hands to keep knitting! (our apartment gets pretty freezing in the winter)