"The Florida survey conducted with the Florida Chamber of Commerce showed the following results:
Huckabee: 44% Giulani: 18% Romney: 13% McCain: 10% Thompson: 5% Paul: 4% Hunter: 1% Tancredo: 1% Rest: undecidedThe survey of 341 Republicans who stated they were undecided, intended to watch the debate and agreed to phone in their opinion immediately after the ending was weighted for age and gender. It has a margin of error of +/- 6%.
A survey of Iowa Republicans of over 1,035 Iowa Republicans taken in the last twenty minutes of the debate showed Huckabee the winner in that state as well. The numbers virtually mirrored Florida. They were:
Huckabee: 32% Romney: 16% Giuliani: 12% McCain: 10% Thompson: 7% Paul: 6% Tancredo: 2% Hunter: 0% Rest: undecidedInterestingly, the Iowa poll did not survey only undecided voters. Yet, both a survey of undecided voters in Florida and a general survey in Iowa showed Huckabee the winner. In the media Spin Room, most of the major candidates were left with little if any media attention as virtually all print and broadcast media circled Governor Huckabee."
If you weren't able to watch the debate I highly recommend it. In the same way I highly recommend that you watch any of the debates because in each one Huckabee shows that he is a strong candidate and the best Republican candidate for the nomination of the Republican Party.
I hope and pray that if you are a Christian Republican your faith is strong enough to allow you to support Huckabee 100% even though many "Christian leaders" of today don't think he can "beat Hillary." Well, I don't know what God they serve, but my God is capable of beating Hillary and I believe he can use this man of God to do so.
Be involved! Vote in the primaries!!
Mike Huckabee is also endorsed by Chuck Norris.(see the video at the end)
Oh, one other thing that was pretty funny...
When addressing a question about trying to send someone to Mars (like we did with the moon) Huckabee recommended that Hillary be the one that gets to go. We need a President with a sense of humor!