David and I had big plans for today...so here is how today went:
David set an alarm last night (and I was unaware of this) for 6am. His plan was to start waking up earlier so that he'd begin to get into the habit, in order to force himself to be productive earlier in the day. This also works for me because once Duncan is here he will want to go on early morning walks since he won't be able to go outside whenever he wants to anymore. ANYWAY, I woke up around 1:30pm and rolled over to wake up David. He then asked me "Did you hear the alarm this morning?" To which I answered "No." ...haha, he had heard the alarm and still didn't get up...even 7 hours later. Oops! So that set our day behind a few more hours than scheduled.
So instead of making a yummy quiche for breakfast, it was our lunch. Actually I was surprised by the quiche. It didn't taste like my quiche's used to. It tasted more like scrambled eggs. Granted, it is a lot like scrambled eggs, with onion and ham and cheese, but before it tasted more quichey. Oh well, it was good. I guess the 8 months in the US has affected my in-France cooking skills.
After quick showers we made our shopping lists and headed out! We each had bus passes that we never finished using back in December that still work - fwew! We headed over to the new shopping area near Cora to look in a store called "Saturn" (not a car dealership) it's an electronics store...like a Circuit City. The goal was to look at TVs that would be compatable (have the right inputs) for our Wii. Our initial thoughts were that somewhere people would be selling really old, big and bulky, somewhat large sized TVs that might have the right inputs, but that really isn't the case anymore. I never once saw a TV that wasn't a flat screen. So anyway, we looked at a few and narrowed it down to two, and before we knew it we had decided on one and jsut got it! I was surprised...David never makes a purchase that quickly qith so little research. He describes his mindset in this way "It's not like we're going to be keeping this TV for any length of time so I don't have to make sure it's the best out there at this size for this price." True, so true. So we have this TV...here's what it looks like:

Oh, we rearranged our apartment again too...here is a preview:

Then we went to Cora to get a few essential things that we didn't get at our downtown ATAC (grocery store) last night...cereal (it's not that the ATAC doesn't have it, they just don't have a good variety - aka nothing we like), salsa for our tacos, milk, laundry detergent, and a big apple juice. After Cora we skipped going to GTL because it was too late and nobody would be there.
When we arrived home I made tacos for dinner. Did you know that our first meal here in our apartment was tacos? Now you do. Keep that in mind for future Swafford trivia. After dinner we went on a walk - David's idea (miracle!). The weather here has been great so far. The temperature is what I'm referring to really. Today was like a nice cool fall day. The sun was out a little, but clouds shaded the ground. It's funny, most of the people here are already wearing light scarves and jackets. I was walking around in a tank top. It was lovely.
Speaking of the weather, I had a brilliant idea today, and I really wish I had thought of this last year. But really, last year is the reason why I thought of this. Starting with yesterday, I am going to keep a record of whether it rains or not each day, everyday...and I'm going to make charts at the end of each month and at the end of the year to show the percentage of time that it rains here. But I really wish I had thought if this last year because then I would have proof that 98% of the days last year, it rained. I'm hoping this year the weather will put my idea to shame, but just in case I'll be ready! Just to keep you up to date, so far it is 50/50!
That's all for today!