Election News is all that is on the news today...of course. But even in foreign countries. It has been an interesting experience to see the world's view of my country while living abroad.

First, I must comment on what I've seen from the French media. The news headlines on the news channels here say "Preparing to Celebrate"... The newspapers this morning implied a victory, already, for Obama, and the polls in the US had not even opened yet. As I watch "France 3" I'm seeing the French reporters interviewing Americans that are in line to vote in various locations in the US, yet they are only airing the voters that are supporting Obama. All-night parties are planned here in France as well as in other countries, to watch election coverage and updated results as they are reported. While the rest of the world is eager for Obama to be President, the Americans are the ones who get to decide, and I'm interested to see the result. I feel like they are just ignoring the fact that there are supporters in the US for MCain. It was the same when Hilary was running. They were saying that she would be the next President. Funny...she isn't even in the race anymore. You should see the people from Obama, Japan. ...bet you didn't know there was an Obama, Japan. I didn't until today.
I have already voted. All I can do is wait. Plus, with either result, I'll survive. I won't be overly upset if McCain doesn't win and I won't be tremendously disappointed if Obama does. I know that either way God is going to use the situation for his purposes. BUT, just because of the response of the rest of the world, and mostly what I've seen from the French, I'm eager to see McCain win just to see their reaction! I mean, this reported
just said "Obama, without exception, will win the Presidency." How can he say that so assuredly? I know that the American President is important for the rest of the world, but I don't like when the rest of the world predicts how the Americans will vote with such certainty.
Now they have people dressed up in elaborate costumes...young, old, black, white, Mickey Mouse, Superman, Michael Jackson, some Amish people...all casting votes...they are making fun of us now. ? I'm not catching the jokes. Oh look! a preview for Wall-E ...good movie! ...wait...Obama is in the preview...he is friends with Wall-E. Uh oh, now a John McCain puppet... It's funny, when there is an American character, they speak french with a really strong American accent - makes sense. Uh oh, now Bush...he was just rooting for Obama...hmm...I don't think that's accurate. ANYWAY--!
In other news, we have been trying to successfully wire money from one of our French bank accounts to our Wachovia account in the US. Today we worked out all the bugs and it will go through, but, while we were at the bank they offered us another account. The savings accounts here work much differently than the ones we are used to. The accounts have
maximum amounts of money that you are allowed to keep in them. They also have minimums, but it's only 10 euros. So, I suppose because of this maximum limitation they have to offer you multiple accounts so that you can actually save money! When we filled up our first account we were kind of disappointed. I prefer to save money in a savings account rather than just leaving it to accumulate in a checking account. Luckily, nearly every time we go back to the bank to ask a question or deal with something, they offer us a new account with a higher maximum value. Thus, we have 4 French bank accounts now. That's a lot. Now we want to deversify. We know a German banker...think he can get us a German bank account? After that we really would like a Swiss account. We just need to find the money to fill them all :o)
Ok ok. That's all for now. I'm going to see how late I can stay up tonight watching CNN international for election results. They start
official coverage at 11pm. Gotta love time zones!