(busy-ness) x (1,000,000) = me
June 11 news with a June 12 update.
June 11, 2009, Thursday afternoon, my wife, Mary, was returning home after a morning spent at a summer camp in Newton Co. for handicapped kids - she was assisting with art projects with these children and recording some of the activities in photographs.
She drove her car off the road, Brown Bridge Road, not far from home. I don't yet know exactly what caused her to do this.
She is currently in an Intensive Care Unit at Atlanta Medical Center which is one of the 2 large trauma centers for the Atlanta region.
She is not conscious, having head trauma, intracranial bleeding and she is intubated, breathing on her own but being assisted w/a ventilator.
Neurosurgery has put a pressure monitor in her skull to be able to monitor any swelling of the brain which if not quickly treated can cause severe complications.
In the ICU where she is, their goal is to minimize stimulation for her since any stimulation causes the pressure on the brain to increase naturally.
Mary has a fracture in the occipital bone in the back of the skull, a fractured clavicle (collarbone) on the right side, multiple fractured ribs, a punctured lung, cut spleen and a fractured patella (kneecap) on the right knee. Also scrapes and bruises.
I know this doesn't sound real but it is.
At this point, the best that the Doctors can tell me is that we will take it one day at a time. The 1st 48 hours are the critical ones for a head trauma patient.
She has good/steady vital signs including blood pressure. She is able to move both arms and legs on her own.
I believe that no matter what happens, God is in control & I'll accept what His will is for me and my wife.
I ask that you pray for God’s healing touch for Mary.
I’ll update again when I can & I hope to be able to use CarePages (www.CarePages.com) as a way to provide updates that will be easy for all to access.
I have made contact with Maria/Rocky and Susan/David so the girls know about their Mom.
Update on June 12.
At the end of the day it is hard for me to realize that this only represents a little more than 24 hours since Mary had her accident.
How quickly life can change.
Since the first 48 hours are critical for a head trauma patient I have to be patient and continue to trust and pray.
Mary is still unconscious.
This "coma" is the result of the trauma, not the result of any medication.
She has been able to move her arms and legs by herself - it reminds me of how one shifts position while sleeping. I did see a grimace on her face when the nurse changed the cervical collar around her neck. These are good signs. The intracranial pressure has been good. Her vital signs including blood pressure continue to be stable. She was administered 3 units of whole blood and has begun enteral feeding - liquid nutrition through a tube.
Mary was taken for another CT scan. I don't know the results because I didn't speak with any doctor on Friday. I understand from the nurses that it will be routine for Mary to have CT scans - probably on a daily basis - so that the condition of her brain can be frequently evaluated.
So, even though I'm reporting all of these things, it really come down to the fact that not a lot has changed for Mary after 24 hours.
I want to sincerely thank all of those who have called/emailed wishing their best thoughts and offering of prayers. To those who have visited at the hospital I also offer my gratitude for your love and friendship.
The offerings of support and "if there is anything your need please let me know..." have been wonderful. These are true expressions of kindness compassion and support. I wish I could take each of you up on those offers...that there really was something physical or material that I could ask you to do for me or for Mary. That would be easy for me and you.
But in a situation like this there really isn't that much that I need your help with right now (please believe me - I WILL ask for help whenever I think of a need.)
There really isn't anything you can do for Mary right now.
The harder thing for me to ask you for is your prayers. We use the words so easily - I'm guilty of this - but we minimize the time for actually doing this. So my harder request is for you to really think about those words, what they mean and then to find the time to make them true in your life.
Right now, and as we slowly travel the long difficult road that lies ahead, that is how all of you can help Mary and me the most.
John Kommeth
We've made some awesome food...
I've practiced my dessert skills...
I'm SO close to finishing the stitching on my Christmas stocking...
The second weekend in May we took our first weekend vacation with Rocky and Maria since their arrival. We went to the Burgundy (Bourgogne) region of France, known for it's wine, and saw MANY vineyards, chateaux, and French countrysides.
We hope to continue the trend of making videos of our adventures. I'll try to keep them a decent length. This one is on the long side...a little over 9 minutes. Enjoy!
...and this little doggie goes "arf! arf! arf!" all the way home...
At 6am he will be in the hands of PetAir headed to Atlanta.
Super Dog!
arrivals and departures
After a fun adventure at the airport and quick TGV ride...
In other news, it is official that we will be returning to Georgia mid-August. David needs to return to the Atlanta campus to use their lab again, but this time we will stay. This doesn't mean that David has finished his PhD or anything, cause he hasn't. But, returning to Atlanta might speed along this process because he'll have access to a wider variety of classes and people experienced in what he's working on.
This also means I get to try to find a job. Good timing huh? It's probably the worst time to be looking for work... I'm ready for a real job though.
Duncan will be returning to Georgia Friday, May 15th before the weather gets really warm :o( It will be sad to see him go, but he'll enjoy the Georgia summer sun and ability to have free roam of his invisible fenced in yard again. I know he misses it.
So, we'll be busy this summer! Traveling with Rocky and Maria, our other visiting family, packing, and moving our lives back the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Locked Out!
Then we had lunch with Kathy and Peter. Vietnamese spring rolls, fried rice, and French pastries.
Scuba diving level 2 theory test is this week...time to study!
"We are in Sain!"
Anyway, overall it was a great vacation...minues the fact that I lost my keys. Yeah...stinks. Chech out the tons of pictures we took.
Duncan seemed to have fun while we were gone too. We were told that he caught 3 hedgehogs! Maybe we'll keep the next one as a pet...as long as he doesn't kill it. Ha! He's so vicious. haha...
David's Birthday
The guy who helped them get everything even sent a birthday card back with them for David.
Just another reason to appreciate the US military! ;o)
We went to the BMW Museum...

On our way home we found Dr. Pepper. That was one of my goals on this trip. :o)
Check out all the pictures!
being brief
More when we return!
Since I've gotten into cross stitching I decided to make Christmas stockings for us (thanks to Janice for the great idea :o) ...I'm copying her). My family never really did the whole Christmas stocking thing, so this is really exciting for me! I found 2 different patterns online that I liked and ordered them. Although, they both provide new challenges for me. One (David's) is just a pattern - so I have to buy everything in order to make it, and the other (mine) is not even a cross stitch. It's needlepoint. This is similar, but different! So...It'll be an interesting challenge.
Setting up is very time consuming. First I have to separate all the colors, then I have to separate all the threads! And there are a lot of them! And there are even beads and ribbons. I'll be taking pictures as I go, like I did before, but the progress may not be as evident since I'm working with a painted canvas (see first picture).
So "yeah!" or lots of free time to try new projects!
David went to scuba diving last night without me because if I had tried to dive my head would have exploded thanks to my allergies. So, I made use of my free time by rearranging!
Can't wait to find out!!
He's growing.

...we all fall down!
Today it's raining (big surprise). And, if you've ever lived in France you know that people dress up to go just about everywhere. Where Americans would wear sweatpants to the grocery store, women here wear high heels.
So that sets the stage.
While walking, a girl came around the corner and slipped and fell. She fell straight down on her hiney!
Ok, I get that she was embarassed, but come on! People were calling ambulances for her! Why the drama? Why not just get up, admit you fell, and next time not wear high heels...in the rain!
At least she gave everyone a good story to tell. Thanks girl that fell! I wonder if she'll admit to any of her friends that she was faking it. It was terribly obvious.
But, a few days ago, we saw THIS:
According to David "this is a monumental moment in our lives!" And I can't agree more. Now we have to walk a whole minute up the street to find another bakery...but we don't really like that one, so now we have to go a whole 5 minutes away to the next best one! It was just too nice to be able to walk down our 4 flights of stairs and around the corner for a fresh baguette.
So we were trying to decide whether it was because of the economy that they closed. Then we remembered...we're in France! Everyone buys baguettes! Bakeries are the LAST places that will go under! So...what's the deal?! Oh well. Life goes on!
'Twas my birfday
Yesterday was my birthday! I am now 25. No, I don't feel different.
To start my day, I did what I do everyday... I took Duncan for a walk! Most people would think that is a terrible way to start off your birthday, but I like walking with Duncan. Especially when the weather is nice, and the weather was nice! The sun was even out!
Then I got ready to go to lunch with Janice! We went to a place called noodle. It was fun!
Then we did some shopping!
Janice also got me a little gift. She's been doing a lot of cross-stitching and she bought me a small one to try. I think it will be perfect to cross-stitch a baby's name onto the side of this one day:
So after shopping we went to the grocery store, did some shopping, and then parted ways. I went home and played with the beast (this is what David calls Duncan). And started my cross-stitch, and tried to trick David into telling me what we'd be doing that evening. I was almost successful!
Eventually, David came home and told me what we would be doing, then where we would be going and to go put on nicer clothes. Then we took a picture so that everyone could see what we looked like on my 25th birthday. About the same, huh? (this is not meant to be an opportunity for you to make one of your comments Matthew! :oP ) We decided to take a picture in front of our map...but we failed to center it properly - sorry Mom! You taught me better than that. :o)
The atmosphere was really cool. Fancy, gormet, and we were the first people there for the evening so we had 3 people serving us. They must have been bored because they were always looking over at us to see if we needed anything.
I didn't bring my camera but you can see what it was like at the website. I did find this picture on there. This is a small view of the exact table that we sat at. I thought it was neat that it was one of the pictures on the site.

Our appetizers was beef and foie gras made into a loaf thingie with some sauces around it. yummy. The main course was sole (fish) and calamari with rice and some other sauces... I think one was called dog sauce (sauce chien)! And for dessert we had french toast! It was not the French toast you are invisioning. It was fancy. Served with apples and a little melted ice cream (which I think was a huge mistake! There should have been a nice scoop of ice cream right on top instead!) But it was still really yummy, and now we can say we've had real french toast.
That's about all that happened on March 3, 2009!
We went to a restaurant that is pretty close to our apartment. À Côté. I'm pretty sure it is called this because it is right next to another restaurant that the head chef owns. We were lucky to have the Chef there the night we went too. His other restaurant was given a 1 star (the highest rating for any restaurant in Metz ...3 is the highest overall though). So around Metz he is pretty well known.
Most of the seats in the restaurant are bar-style so that you can see all the cooks cooking. It was fun being able to see our food throughout all its stanges of preparation. But, you'd think that I would know how to make all of it now, right? Ha. We saw it all the time, but sometimes it would pop up looking totally different than the last time we saw it. It was like magic!
I had fois gras, and David had calamari for appetizers, then I had a duck "burger" (nothing like a burger you would picture) and David had jarret de veau (veal). They were both delicious, but I have to admit, I think the duck was better. Then for dessert I had cheesecake (just like American cheesecake!) and David had a fancy milkshake-like dessert. It was wonderful. And it wasn't too much food because this is one of those restaurants where you don't get too much becasue they serve everything as if it were meant to be a decoration for your plate.
It has been one of our goals to eat out a little bit more so that we know of good restaurants in the area to recommend to people. Plus, we won't live in France forever...but I WILL be cooking forever... Sorry I don't have pictures. I guess if you really want to know what it was like you'll just have to come visit us and we'll take you there! :o)
(The default quality of this video stinks, so, if you click the little "HQ" icon in the bottom right corner you can watch it in high quality and it's much better!)
Valentine's Day Weekend
After the 10 miles we arrived at our hotel. The rooms were nice and we had an enormous balcony (too bad it was too cold to really enjoy it). We went to check out the pool and were unhappy to see that the pool wasn't heated. The water was freezing! So, of course, we skipped it! After nice warm showers we headed down for dinner. We had vegetable soup, delicious filets and potatoes, followed by a yummy sorbet and fruit dessert. Pretty good for a Valentine's Day dinner...and we didn't even plan it!
The next morning we set our for day two of snowshoeing. With healed feet and rested legs we were raring to go!
At the end of our hike we stopped by a little German "cafe" (I guess that's what you'd call it...it wasn't a restaurant...). We had hot chocolate and an enormous slice of apple pie. It was delicious!
Then we got back on the bus and headed back to Metz. This is where is gets pretty interesting. Things were so normal the whole time that I new something was bound to happen. On the bus they had a microphone so that the 'leaders' of the trip could make announcements. For the majority of the trip back there was someone talking on the microphone. They were talking about future trip options (in extreme detail) as well as recaping the trip that we just took (also in extreme detail). And after that they put in a German music CD and turned up the volume. Then, after a while of the CD playing, the guy that had the microphone started whistling the tune and tapping on the microphone. So, all of the talking and noise making was kind of annoying. We were kind of hoping to sleep some on the way back...ha!
It was a great weekend. Check out more pictures here.
Awaaaaaaiting Summertime
I'm trying to block from my memory the summer of 2007 here in Metz... because it was not really a summer at all. Rain, clouds, cold = not summer. But this year, it just feels like things will be different and I'm ready!
Stay away from the back of the bus...

A few stops later the bus began to fill and a girl walked towards me. So, I moved over a little closer to my bag so that she could have some extra room. She sat down, followed by a guy-friend and they started talking...a lot louder than most French people (they are usually pretty soft spoken...but again I remind you...hoodlums).
Then they started wrapping up, what I thought was a cigarette. They do this all the time...homemade cigarettes. And they have to hurry because as soon as they get off the bus the MUST smoke, or they'll die. Anyway... she made hers and then pulled out a lighter... Then the guy gave her a hard time about something and she stood up and cracked a window (it's still below freezing here...not cool). Then she started flicking the lighter... so I looked up, saw she was about to light her "cigarette" and gave her this look that meant "Don't do it...you can't smoke on the bus...plus I don't want you to smoke right next to me..." Then, she looked directly at me, put the "cigarette" in her mouth and lit it (while still looking at me). SO, she was basically saying: "Ha! Try and stop me!" At this point I had to control my strangling reflex. Then she leaned over and spit on the floor...YES, spit! inside the bus!!
So, I took my bags, and got up and went to the front of the bus. At this point I'm sure she thought I was going to go talk to the driver. I hope she was nervous. I should have talked to him. So, my advice, when riding a bus in Metz, especially if you are going through the Borny area: Ride in the front of the bus, with the nice old ladies.
Oh, by-the-way, the "cigarette" was really weed...and stunk...how classy! There you go people. France isn't just all about baguettes, the Eiffel Tower, beautiful women, and fancy clothes. So don't be jealous that I live here...seriously.
Happy New Year!
So, roughly, since my last entry, we had a great anniversary (went to some thermal baths...it was great!), had a great Christmas, had dinner with a french couple from our scuba diving club, after Christmas, have started "theory" courses for certification in level 2 in the French scuba diving system, and plan to go snow shoeing in February.
David is taking a class this semester (only 2 more after this one!) and has made a good amount of progress organizing his thoughts and plans so that he can make significant progress towards proposing, thesising, and graduating.
Duncan and I are getting mentally prepared for the weather to warm up! I have found a picnic blanket and set that I plan to buy so that we can spend lots of time outside once it's warm enough.
I also found a scrapbook so that I can start scrap booking about our time here in France. I got a photo printer for Christmas, (thanks David's family!) so this was my main motivation to get started before we've been here so long that I have too much to try to recapture. Well, I'm back to blogging, so stay tuned!