I have to share someone else's words that echo my own opinion:
(I've edited some spelling errors and capitalization)
"now, this is revolutionary for me, because: 1. I am 21 years old (and its a rare thing for younger people to be interested in politics) and 2. I have never before, before this campaign, been so intrigued and enthusiastic about any other campaign or government matters.I am becoming a pastor soon, and I work as a intern at my church. From the beginning as I shared about Huckabee, I've heard the leaders/pastors tell me that "he has no chance, but if he gets that far, he has my vote." ...now these are the people that preach to me behind the pulpit about the biblical stories, such as David and Goliath, and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. These are the people that teach me about faith.
These are the people that tell me to believe in the inerrant word of the Bible. And they tell me about a young boy, going against the odds, and facing a giant. And how he overcomes the giant and ends up becoming king, but they don't think its possible
for a man of God to become President of the United States.There are too many religious leaders out there, pastors, preachers, evangelists, whatever..that are preaching one thing to the choir on Sunday mornings and not practicing their true faith outside of the church walls. They are willing to vote for a man that has "more leadership capability", however has no stance in his faith, is pro-choice, and believes homosexuality as a normality. Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
But, as Huckabee is going against the odds..I'm beginning to see a change in these people. I'll ask this question, and I believe its a question worth thinking about. I know the Bible says that all political leaders are ultimately appointed by God to govern over us, and because of that, we are to respect them. But, God (somewhere where our choice and His sovereignty overlap) has given us the power to choose the leader in this democratic government.
We have the choices in front of us. We see where politicians stand on subjects and faith and other important matters. Would God rather us put in office someone who is more "fit for the job", or "proven a better leader", or a man who fears and reveres God and wants to do everything in his power to please the Creator of the universe, and lead this country as President of the United States? If we believe in God, we should also believe in the ability of God to take a Shepard, and transform him into one of the greatest leaders of history, David. If God never changes, why isn't it possible that Huckabee can be the president that the United States has been searching for, the one that makes us One Nation Under God, again?"-Joshua Davies(comment from MikeHuckabee.com)
While it's sad that some of our current leaders aren't realizing this, I'm glad that people from the younger generation of The United States are.
However the elections go, I hope that you will support our nation with prayer and by participating by casting your vote.