
Stay away from the back of the bus...

Today I had an interesting experience. It was one of those experiences where you wish that you were the kind of person who has no problem setting someone straight when they do something wrong/disgusting/irresponsible/annoying... especially when they are, what I like to call, the French Hoodlums of Metz.

After going to the Intersport to purchase my new picnic set (so exciting!!) I got on the 11 bus line heading back downtown. Because I had a decent sized shopping bag with me and because I wanted to read during my 30 minute ride, I went all the way to the back of the two-length bus to sit in peace. I sat, got my book, and started reading.

A few stops later the bus began to fill and a girl walked towards me. So, I moved over a little closer to my bag so that she could have some extra room. She sat down, followed by a guy-friend and they started talking...a lot louder than most French people (they are usually pretty soft spoken...but again I remind you...hoodlums).

Then they started wrapping up, what I thought was a cigarette. They do this all the time...homemade cigarettes. And they have to hurry because as soon as they get off the bus the MUST smoke, or they'll die. Anyway... she made hers and then pulled out a lighter... Then the guy gave her a hard time about something and she stood up and cracked a window (it's still below freezing here...not cool). Then she started flicking the lighter... so I looked up, saw she was about to light her "cigarette" and gave her this look that meant "Don't do it...you can't smoke on the bus...plus I don't want you to smoke right next to me..." Then, she looked directly at me, put the "cigarette" in her mouth and lit it (while still looking at me). SO, she was basically saying: "Ha! Try and stop me!" At this point I had to control my strangling reflex. Then she leaned over and spit on the floor...YES, spit! inside the bus!!

So, I took my bags, and got up and went to the front of the bus. At this point I'm sure she thought I was going to go talk to the driver. I hope she was nervous. I should have talked to him. So, my advice, when riding a bus in Metz, especially if you are going through the Borny area: Ride in the front of the bus, with the nice old ladies.
Oh, by-the-way, the "cigarette" was really weed...and stunk...how classy! There you go people. France isn't just all about baguettes, the Eiffel Tower, beautiful women, and fancy clothes. So don't be jealous that I live here...seriously.


Happy New Year!

Sorry for such a delay. I had these big plans to make a Christmas video and "Apres Noel" blog entry etc etc. Well, how about Happy New Year! Happy Chinese New Year! Even though it was a few days ago...

So, most recently, we were invited to celebrate the Chinese New Year with some of the Chinese students at GTL. The year of the Ox! It was a great time. This is a video of one of the Chinese guys singing a song after we ate. The night before, he had performed at an 'official' Chinese New Year celebration they had at the University of Metz in collaboration with the Chinese consulate here in France.

I also tried to make the video a button that links to my picasa website, where you can see more pictures. If it didn't work there is a button you can click on over there. (--> under "Links") There are also lots of other new pictures you should check out. The captions should be enough to tell you all about them!

So, roughly, since my last entry, we had a great anniversary (went to some thermal baths...it was great!), had a great Christmas, had dinner with a french couple from our scuba diving club, after Christmas, have started "theory" courses for certification in level 2 in the French scuba diving system, and plan to go snow shoeing in February.

David is taking a class this semester (only 2 more after this one!) and has made a good amount of progress organizing his thoughts and plans so that he can make significant progress towards proposing, thesising, and graduating.

Duncan and I are getting mentally prepared for the weather to warm up! I have found a picnic blanket and set that I plan to buy so that we can spend lots of time outside once it's warm enough.

I also found a scrapbook so that I can start scrap booking about our time here in France. I got a photo printer for Christmas, (thanks David's family!) so this was my main motivation to get started before we've been here so long that I have too much to try to recapture. Well, I'm back to blogging, so stay tuned!