
the VISA

Ok - here is what happened.
I went to the consulate...it was very deserted. There was a guy there that I was suposed to meet with. He took all of my paperwork, went back into another room to sort it, and then he came back and had me file out two more pieces of paper. Then he let me back to the 'inside of the office' ooooooh ahhhh.
Then he said "I'm going to ask you some questions about your reasons for wanting a visa for France." So I said ok. He then asked me if I spoke any french...in french. I said "a little." Then he asked me something else in French and I said "We really won't get anywhere if we speak in French." So he wrote down: "None." Then he asked me some other questions about my paper work...told me my pictures weren't good enough...let me go get new ones made...and then told me it would take 5 weeks for them to process the paperwork. So, it looks like I'm staying in the US for a while... all of pollen season.
Pollen makes me miserable. I do believe there is a post on here from last year where I had a picture of what pollen looks like under a microscope. (Best Diet Plan Ever) It looks evil! Anyway, it makes me feel terrible. I can't breath out of my nose, and my eyes itch all day long, turn red and puffy, and act strangely when they naturally try to clean themselves out. (believe me the details would be gross). Then I sneeze. This is extremely dangerous when I'm driving...but there is no avoiding it.
Well - I've been able to do some shopping (for the first time in 3 months) which has been kinds fun. But I'm ready to go back. And I think David is ready to eat decent food again. So the countdown begins... except I don't know what number to start with... ARGH!

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