
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Buying Harry Potter

Start with ice cream...

...then add friends...
...and make sure you have a watch for the countdown...

...find a participating bookstore...

...await 1:01 am...

...and Harry Potter can be yours!

Admire the cover...try to figure out parts of the story from it...

...then start reading, and don't stop until you are finished!

David and I really enjoyed the book. There were even a few times where David would be reading in the back half and I would be reading the front half, just so that we could read at the same time. It's a little sad that the stories are finished, but they were very good and remain to be read again and again. If you haven't read them, we highly recommend it. They are easy to read and full of adventure. Even if you find out how it ends there is still so much you're missing out on! Read read read!

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