
The Mirabelle Craze.

Here in Metz there is a fruit called a mirabelle. Metz is the capital of the mirabelle. And, this means that we have a festival for the mirabelle. Why? Probably the same reason that Georgia has a Cherry Blossom Festival - because people like festivals!

So anyway, a mirabelle is basically a small yellow plum. They are a little larger than a grape and they have a pit. Although, the picture is a little deceiving...they don't have big blue eyes.

The mirabelle festival lasts about 2 weeks. Each night they have various things going on around town. The festival begins with the crowning of the Mirabelle Queen...who is also Miss Lorraine. Miss Lorraine goes on to the Miss France competition, and then represents France in the Miss Universe competition. But, for the Mirabelle festival, Miss Lorraine - Reine de la Mirabelle (Queen of the Mirabelle) is the star of the show. She pops up every now and then at the different activities that take place and everyone oohs and ahhhs.

Well, we love taking part in our cities activities so, of course, we went to the beauty pageant! I made a video...

Other mirabelle activities include water sport 'demonstrations' and 'initiations' - David went wake boarding and we went kayaking and got some kind of official card for doing it.

They also had a rescue dog demonstration. This was very interesting. Their trainers would ride a boat out into the water...fall of yelling for help...and the dogs would go rescue them.

There was also jousting...from boats instead of horses. The winner is obviously the one who doesn't fall in the water. But it was hot on Saturday so I say the winners were the ones who did fall in....I wanted to.

It has been fun so far. The next big event is the mirabelle fireworks. AKA the biggest fireworks display I've ever seen (all because of a fruit!) This happens this Saturday. We are going to find a spot at the Plan d'Eau at lunch time, have a picnic, and save our spot until the fireworks go off!


  • We are keeping our cat guest for an extra 2 weeks!
  • Maria and Rocky are coming to visit in about 2 weeks!

Now that you are educated on mirabelles...go learn about the Presidential Candidates! ...pick a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm a friend of one of the girl who is in the video and I would like to have this video. Can you send me the video ?? My email is wims21@hotmail.fr

Thanks ;)