During Mom's visit this weekend we were trying to think of things we could do.
We asked Mom what kinds of things she liked to do now, instead of drawing (since she doesn't like the way she draws now). She came up with a few ideas, one of them being reading. Interesting... since she didn't like to read much before. So we tried it!
David went to get a Harry Potter book and Mom started reading!
She needed a little help ever now and then with pronouncing words like "Dursley" and "Privet" but she did pretty well. After reading the first page we stopped her and asked her some questions to see if she was remembering what she read. I think reading will be a good thing for us to do, although Harry Potter might be too long of a story for her. We need a good book of short stories, for adults.
I was also thinking of something like a needlepoint project...but it would have to be one with large holes and a big dull needle. Anybody know about anything about something like that?