
Drunk? ...or texting?

Yesterday, on our way to visit my Mom at Restore, David and I had a very interesting experience.  

We were driving down Highway 212 behind a car that was barely going the speed limit.  After a short while of following them I noticed that they were driving back and forth within the lane a lot more than usual.  I called David's attention to it and then the swerving got worse. The driver was crossing the lines and once came very close to running off the right side of the road.  They would quickly re-correct and straighten-out but it didn't last long!  While increasing our distance we tried to figure out what the deal was.  The conclusion we came to, other than the fact it was around 11am on a Sunday morning, was that this had to be a drunk driver.  I've never seen a drunk driver before, but I've also never seen anyone driving this poorly before so it had to be a drunk driver!

We got to a point where the driver was going to make a right turn and we'd be able to pass them.  As we passed we looked into their window.  We saw a young girl holding a cell phone, texting. 

I was amazed.  I don't text often in general, but after saying to myself multiple times while following her "They're going to kill themselves" I know that I never will text and drive.  Take some time a search the internet for "texting while driving" and see the images you come up with.   

Unfortunately I know all too well some of the consequences of getting into a car accident.  Although my Mom wasn't texting I guarantee that you don't want to end up dealing with all she's going through because of a car accident.  I can also guarantee that you don't want to have to take care of anyone else you know that has done that to themselves, so share with your friends about how stupid the idea of texting while driving is!

It may have made a funny comic, but it's really not funny.

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