Swimming! One of the things Mom used to love to do as a kid. In preparation for today I have been asking her if she'd like to go swimming sometime and each time she seemed pretty interested. So after we made plans I was confident that it would be a successful adventure.
David was kind enough to stay home from work today to help me out and I think he enjoyed the break too. The weather was great at 10am, and the water was 80 degrees...if not warmer.
As expected Mom mentioned being too cold when getting deeper and deeper in the water, but once she was all the way in she was fine. I was expecting her to be nervous and just ask to get out of the water, but instead she did a lot of laughing and seemed to really enjoy herself.
Her walking was the same in the water...no improvement. We tried to get her to float, or to kick her feet out behind herself, or try to "stand" "on her knees so that the water would come up over her shoulders so she wouldn't have to stand all the way up...she attempted each, but we didn't have much success.
All in all, it was pretty fun. Mom enjoyed sitting outside the pool in the nice weather after we swam too. We'll be doing this again!