

It is finally beginning to feel like spring time here in Metz. While everyone back home has been enjoying temperatures in the 60s, our weather has been 40s-low 50s and rainy. SO, we are very excited to see the sun come out. In our apartment I am finally able to do things without feeling like I need to be wearing 50 billion layers...or wear gloves while I'm on my computer. It has been wonderful. For the last week we haven't had any rain and have been able to go outside occasionally without a jacket! I think the spring time here will be beautiful and long so we can prepare for a hot summer with no air conditioning!

Alex, the girlfriend of one of the PhD students, has recently interviewed at the Metz airport. She got the job and might be moving to Metz very soon. This is very exciting because David and I can have another couple to do things with more often. It is fun with other friends too, but it's different with couples...ya know? Anyway - I tried to help her find an apartment the other day, but it will be a lot more work than she realized. Hopefully she can find something quickly because she will have to start working very soon...and then it will only be harder for her.

I will be going back to the US in exactly 1 week from today (March 22nd) to get my VISA. We have prepared all the paperwork and hopefully aren't missing anything. I don't know how long I will be back because I don't know how long the VISA process will take. But I am very excited to see my family and my Duncan! It's one thing to leave your family (who you can talk to while you are gone) but it is another thing to leave your pet...because he doesn't really understand what is going on and I can't talk to him while I'm away :o(

David still goes to "work" everyday and I still "work" about 4 hours a week with english lessons. And I'm still experimenting with new meals. It's fun!

David and I ate our Macaroni and Cheese for lunch today - thanks Maria, it was delicous :o)

That's all for now!

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The BOB-O said...

i hope i can see you while you're in georgia... maybe 722 or lunch/dinner or something... we gotta make that happen... sounds like things are good though...

Unknown said...

You're going to be here just in time for allergy season... everything is already yellow with pollen.