
Home Sweet Home

Here I am back in the good ole US of A. I'm glad to be home for a little while, but I won't lie...I want to go back soon.

I especially want to go back soon because of all the pollen that is here! It's insane. Grass isn't green...it's yellow. Dirt isn't brown...it's yellow. Everything is yellow, including our black cats! Ew it's gross. I don't like it. And neither do my sinuses, or my eyes. They are rebelling against the weather...and it isn't pretty.

Other than that, I'm enjoying spending time with my family and my dog, and soon I'll be seeing some friends.

This is Duncan enjoying his freedom outside. He likes to sleep in the sun. Isn't he adorable?!

Tomorrow I have my meeting at the French consulate to officially apply for my visa. I have a 3-inch stack of papers that I have to bring with me. I'm sure something crazy will happen. I'm not excited about it. I know this will all get straightened out eventually... but not knowing how it will all happen frustrates me.

Well, I guess I'll go. If you are bored go to iSketch.net. It's addicting. It's basically online pictionary. Fun stuff.

1 comment:

The BOB-O said...

so... how'd the visa interview go...