

You will never believe what David and I found yesterday at what might become one of our favorite grocery stores...

The store is called "Grand Frais" because they have a large variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, etc...

We went there in hopes of finding some asparagus, since they NEVER have it at our grocery store downtown! While we were there we were totally impressed with all the stuff we found. The biggest surprise was that we found okra. Yep! The vegetable that every french person we've ever asked (and some of the Americans...usually of northern decent) have never heard of. ...the vegetable name that couldn't be translated by our awesome french/english dictionary. ...the vegetable that made our dinner last night awesome...OKRA!

On the sign above it it said that it was called "gombo." So, now we know. And I'm sure we'll be telling all our french friends about it, and then making it so that they can try it. We also found corn meal for preparing it. It was delicious. I'm very happy. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you prepare it? I have only had fried okra before.

No aspargus? That sucks. I would die with out that. Does that fresh vegetable store not have aspargus but has okra?