It is time to tell a story that is LONG over due.

There once was a guy named The Bob-O,
who was really fun to play jokes on.
See, The Bob-O is a young lad who attends the University of Georgia, why? ...good question.
Anyway, he travels regularly to Alpharetta for the popular night life (722) every Tuesday night. One night, when arriving home (athens) he noticed something was missing from his Vibe (car). "Oh no!" The Bob-O said. "Whatever shall I do? My G has disappeared." He said in fear.

Later than night, little did he know, His G began a journey... a journey across the WORLD! But never fear! The G couldn't travel far without keeping in touch with his precious The Bob-O.
Below is the correspondence he kept with His precious The Bob-O throughout his travels. Behold!
The Adventures of The Lost G!
Dear Bob-O,
I wanted to get in touch with you so that you wouldn't worry. I am ok. I was not stolen or magnetnapped, but I made this decision on my own. I could only take so much. From parking lot to parking lot...Athens to Alpharetta, Alpharetta to Athens, Athens to McDonough, McDonough to Athens...that is all I ever did! I needed a break. But I am ok. And I will be back soon. But there are so many journey's that await me. I will share with you my first one so far. I made my way back to downtown, because I rarely go there, and decided to see a play. What better place to go than the Fox Theater? I saw a nice show called Tyler Perry's Madae Goes to Jail. I know it sounds strange. But I thought it might be worth it. first play ever. I was even lucky enough to have someone take my picture in front of part of the Theater, so that you could see I was really there. I cannot wait to see what the future holds. Until my next adventure ---
- The Lost G –
Dear Bob-O,
Hello again! I am glad I finally got the chance to update you on my travels. After my visit to the Fox Theater I decided to look around the downtown area a little more. I found my way over to the Georgia Institute of Technology campus in hopes that I might meet another magnet like myself. Well, not exactly like myself of course, but you know what I mean. Instead, I ran into their mascot, a yellow jacket. I must say, he was a lot bigger than I had expected and very defensive at first when he saw that I was on their campus, but Buzz turned out to be a very nice guy. (See our picture I have attached!) Yes, I was a little out of place, but after our initial encounter he showed me around some was quite fun. Not the atmosphere I am used to, but it was a nice change. Well, I hope you are looking forward to my next adventures as much as I am, and I am so glad that my vacation idea has gone over well with you so far. I'm enjoying my opportunity to see new things, maybe even travel the world? We will see. Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G -
Dear Bob-O,
I must say, I have been extremely busy in my travels this week. I have gone farther than I ever have before. After my marvelous visit with Buzz at Georgia Tech, he was kind enough to send me off with some of his friends who were traveling down Interstate-20. So I went along for a ride, and before I knew it I ran into some people that I believe you know. Two very lovely ladies showed me around the campus of West Georgia. Being so used to The University of Georgia, I was shocked to see how much smaller this one was. It was very nice though. Please, do look at the picture I took to document my experience. I hope I have not caused you too much worry, but I am, very much, enjoying myself. I hope you are looking forward to my next update as much as I am. You never know where the road may lead. Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G -
Dear Bob-O,
I am so excited about where I have gone! The attached pictures will give you a little hint. It is so fascinating to have traveled this far for the first time. I hope that when I return you will be willing to travel with me. It does get lonely at times. Although, everyone I meet is very kind. I am begining to wonder whether you miss me. I have not heard from you. I hope things are well. I must continue. Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G –
Dear Bob-O,
Oh the fun I'm having! I continued the drive through Alabama and into Mississippi crossing over a very beautiful bridge! But I did not do much in Mississippi. All of the commotion seemed to be in Louisiana. So that is where I headed. Unfortunately something terrible has happened there recently! Almost everywhere I went I had to travel through water. It was quite unpleasant, and I was happy to finally find some dry areas. I met up with a nice man named Pablo (our picture is included) who was doing some construction on nearby buildings and it looked like he needed some help, so I helped him out for a while. It was very fun, I've never been so productive before! But afterwards I was very tired! So I took a day to rest up. The next day, I needed to continue thinking about my travels, but because I had worked so hard the day before I thought I deserved a much needed time of recreation. I headed over to what looked like an enormous gymnasium in hopes of playing some basketball...yes I know, you wouldn't expect me to like basketball, but I do enjoy it. To my surprise the gymnasium was completely abandoned, as you can see from my documenting photo. It would have been very hard to play a game by myself, so I made plans to leave and continue on in my travels. It has been a very eventful week, I had hoped to update you more, but I am sure you yourself have been very busy as well. I hope all is well.
Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G -
Hello Bob-O!
Something amazing happened to me! I got to ride on a motorcycle for the first time! While looking for a way to continue my travels I found a police officer on a motorcycle, who was hesitant at first to take me along, but when he realized I wouldn't be in the way he agreed! It was very scary at first, but I got used to it. This is how I traveled in to Texas. Yep, Texas. I can't wait to see what lies ahead here. There is so much to do in such a large state. I have some ideas but I would not want to spoil the surprises. I hope you are ok. I hope I have the right address. I can not believe I have not heard from you since I have been gone. Are you mad at me? Please do not be.
Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G -
Dear Bob-O,
As you know I am currently in Texas. I just wanted you to know that I'm in good hands. :o) Wouldn't you agree? (See attached) You can't be mad now can you?
Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G -
Can you guess where I've been? (pictures from Europe)
- The Lost G -
Oh, but the adventures are so great. (pictures more pictures from Europe)
- The Lost G -
The G also went rock climbing in Arizona...
To California by way of UPS...
Sent the Bob-O a picture with some roses...because he missed him...
And almost made it to Japan...but he feared The Bob-O would have a heart attack...
I appologize greatly for the lack of pictures, but they just wouldn't load! I'm sorry! So sorry, they wer really the best part...especially at the end there. BUT, I would be more than happy to email them to you if you are interested.