
Big Plans

Vacation is over :o( But it was AWESOME!
If you ever get the opportunity to take a 2 month vacation to France, DO IT!
So much has happened so far that I can't recount all of it at the moment. The most exciting though is that David proposed and we are getting married Decemeber 23rd! The link is to a website where you can read all about how it happened, and then stay up to date on the details. I'm sure if you are reading this you'd be invited! Yippee!



The World I Know

30 days in Europe so far, who would have guessed this would ever happen?

It's been fun, but there are some stereotypes I must set straight. The French aren't rude...Yes, I know you are thinking "Well, have you been to Paris? The Parisians are!" I didn't find that to be true either. For the 6 days I spent in Paris people were very friendly. Every waiter or waitress we had was great, regardless of the language barrier. Yeah it is frustrating at times, but I think it may be the Americans that get frustrated most when they don't understand, because, for the most part, none of us have much international travel experience, much less a familiarity with other languages like other people of the world.

We are blessed...We speak a language that everyone is expected to learn - in their schools. English is universal. If you have a guy from Japan meet a guy from Croatia, they will most likely speak English with one another to communicate. Thus, giving Americans reason to be lazy, and not branch out. We actually witnessed this at a hotel...Two women having a business meeting...Both foreign to each other, yet speaking English. Pretty neat. But then it leaves Americans with a stereotype. I met a guy at a bus stop the other day from Australia - he was lost in Metz - and lucky he bumped into me, cause he spoke even less French than I do! But, when he found out that I had also been to London his immediate reaction was "Wow! You are well traveled for an American!" ...He only knew of me going to 2 places!! So when he found out that I have also been to Italy, Honduras, Canada, and Mexico, he was floored. He had a great statistic, and it's probably true...8% of Americans have passports. It's too bad! There is so much to see in this world, yet so many people are confined to their own little spaces in fear of doing something outside of their normal routine. My advice = get out when you can...See the things God has created ALL over the world...Not just in your neighborhood. It helps you understand His true size.

Ok, so now it is time for some pictures and fun stuff :o)
Lately, David and I have been spending our time finalizing our vacation plans, while he tries to finish up his research and presentation so that we can leave!! So in the meantime, we have had friends visit (Danielle and Katy) seen some pretty cool things (waterfountain music and light show, Alice in Wonderland play in the streets, a hedgehog - they don't like to to touched, and untouched Hershey bars in the refrigerator at GTL - sooo tempted)
Here are some pictures of my world here in France:
from the left: an acquired set of soft drinks...although misshapen, very refreshing. New sunglasses for the future Dr. Swafford, raising him to a new level of "cool." And a meal seen as a delicacy in most countries...or it should be...tacos! And our new 'official world cup' soccer ball, for fun times at the beach!!
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.


Far Far Away


Well, I'm in France! I have been here since the 29th of June. I traveled with my parents to Paris, Rome, Florence, and Strasbourg where we met up with David. And now my parents have left and I am here in Metz with David! On August 5th we will leave for the traveling part of our vacation to lots of different cities in France. (He is still finishing up his internship)

I am staying in the apartment of some missionaries who have left for a vacation to Spain. They have 3 little kids too. Their place is really nice, considering I could be sleeping on the floor of a dorm room instead. Vicky, the wife of the family told me that I could use just about anything I wanted to, so I did some of their dishes, and a load of laundry already. But I'm really only there at night and for breakfast in the morning. It is really nice of them though. I don't know that I could have that much trust with a complete stranger.

This vacation has been pretty great so far, and I still have 5 and a half weeks left! I need to learn more French though...

Here are some pictures from the trip so far:

( outside The Louvre, The Colosseum, Michelangelo's Pieta, me and a golden mime, the Eiffel Tower, My parents, David and myself across the river from Notre Dame)

Au Revior!


The End Times are ... NOW!

I am happy to announce that Jesus has come, and I know what heaven will look like :o)

Seriously...let me explain!

Here is Heaven:

how do I know? because of this:

and, Here is Jesus:

Where can they be found? Rochester :o) Viola - mystery is solved.

(Jesus is my Aunt and Uncle's exchange student for the summer, and Abbott's ice cream truly is the best ice cream/frozen custard ever made. Ask anyone who has had it (Fround in Rochester NY)...so yeah, Jesus is here and everyone has access to heaven, you just have to choose to get there) :o)

Off to France!!!!!


Lasting Impressions

Today was my last day of work with Sodexho. I'm very glad to be leaving, but also am sad to go. Glad because I will be able to get a real job now, with real responsibilities and all that good stuff, but sad to be leaving the people I worked with. Everyone there is very nice , and I've enjoyed working with them. I only hope that at my next job the people I work with will be just as fun. They gave me some nice Tech stuff though...a trash can, blanket (throw), key chain, drink coozie (sp?), license plate frame, and caaaaaaandy.

On a more exciting note...at lunch today I saw some of the kids from the CRC summer camp. It made me miss camp! But I got to see most of my "favorite" kids (shhh!). The only problem is they all come up to you and ask "Do you remember my name? What about me, do you remember my name???" Well that isn't very easy to do on the spot, unless they were one of your "favorites." And you don't want to scar them because you didn't remember their name! That would be terrible. Afterwards I thought of what I should have done. I should have just joked around with them and called them Fred or Bob...even the girls. That would have made it more funny. It was good to see them all. Working with kids is so much fun...and so rewarding. I highly recommend it...unless you can't tolerate kids. On the same note, if you can't tolerate kids...don't have any of your own! It is easy to tell when kids have bad parents, sad too.
The above featured kids: Amadia, Elysia (twins), Christopher, Noah, and Matthieu.


Good Day


...cause it's almost time to go to France!!!
(17 days; 386 hours and 50 minutes - but who is counting!?)

Here is a picture of the Eiffel Tower... why? Just because I wanted to put something French up here. But, before long I'll have pictures that I have taken myself! Yippee!

I have been trying to learn some French. We ordered some audio CDs (French for me and my Dad, and Italian for my Mom - cause we are also going to Italy, and she's half Italian) ...So, currently I know how to say "I am American." and "Do you understand French/English?" and stuff like that. I'm on lesson 3 of 8...I better get crackin! But I don't know how to spell any of it because they are audio CDs. I try to imagine the words in my head, but do you know how weird French spelling is!? It's crazy...

It's amazing all the things that have happened so far this year, and that will continue to happen over the next few months. I graduated...from college...from Georgia Tech...that's just weird. I don't feel 22. I feel 16. (don't tell any perspective employers!) ;o) I will travel farther and longer than I ever have before. So exciting! I will start working. At a real job...not Student Assisting - finally! A salary! I'm ready to start working. It will be exciting, something new. New is good. I will have to do adult stuff, like think about insurance...health...life...whatever else they say you need...

Aside from all of that, I went to Six Flags last Thursday wth Jennifer, Jermemy, and Matthew. Fun fun fun. It wasn't too crowded, and we got to ride the new ride "Goliath" (say with a deep booming voice...go ahead, try again.) We went like 4 or 5 times. But you have to ride in the front, seriously, it's better. You have to go for the best quality...even with the rollercoasters you ride. Unless of coourse you can match this coolness. David, honestly I'm surprised you haven't done this yet. I'll be going back to Six Flags to sell T-shirts for Atlanta Fest with some people from the church. That should be fun. Free admission...some rides (hopefully)...some bands to listen to... good times.

Well, I didn't really have any specific reason for this post except that I have made one in a while. So, there it is!

Word of the day: TRUST
"Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture." Psalm 37:3


Behind the Scenes

So, I guess I should fill you in on the rest of the story (from below).

After some theft between The Bob-O and myself (his G magnet and my Buzz) Alex and I took it off of his car one night after 722. When driving back towards Atlanta we decided that taking the G was not good enough...it needed something more. It just so happens that Chris Tomlin was performing at 722 that night (and The Bob-O is obsessed) so we decided to grab a dispoable camera from a gas station and attempt to find Chris. LUCKILY he hadn't left yet, so I talked one of his roadie guys into getting his attention. So, Chris came out, we talked, explained the situation, and took his picture with the magnet. A thumbs up one (for The Bob-O) as well as a thumbs down one (for me). He was a great sport about it.
Well, that's all it took. After that, the ideas started flowing!
So we decided to drive to Alabama! After stopping by West Georgia (Bethany & Maria), and the big "Welcome to Alabama" road sign (it seems like cars are going REALLY fast when you are on the side of the highway at night), then the Alabama border, where we actually got a hispanic guy to take a picture with the magnet (even though I don't think he understood what was going on), followed by stops at The Fox Theater and Tech, we were able to formulate a plan for the whole sceme. It was a long night. I don't think I got back to my house until 3:30am.
From there Alex took the remaining pictures with a UPS guy, with some GSU police officer's motorcycle, a car with a California license plate, at the rec center at GSU, with his roommates, and from the top of the Westin. After that, we sent the magnet to France and David took it around with him as he traveled. We were going to send it to Eileen in Japan after that, but decided that The Bob-O was getting a little antsy. But it really did go to Alabama and France! So that is pretty cool. It was fun...for Alex, David, and I at least. :o) Thanks Bob-O!!
*The G now resides on the trunk door of The Bob-O's Vibe, where he will live happily ever after*


The G that was Lost

It is time to tell a story that is LONG over due.

There once was a guy named The Bob-O,
who was really fun to play jokes on.

See, The Bob-O is a young lad who attends the University of Georgia, why? ...good question.

Anyway, he travels regularly to Alpharetta for the popular night life (722) every Tuesday night. One night, when arriving home (athens) he noticed something was missing from his Vibe (car). "Oh no!" The Bob-O said. "Whatever shall I do? My G has disappeared." He said in fear.

Later than night, little did he know, His G began a journey... a journey across the WORLD! But never fear! The G couldn't travel far without keeping in touch with his precious The Bob-O.

Below is the correspondence he kept with His precious The Bob-O throughout his travels. Behold!

The Adventures of The Lost G!
Dear Bob-O,
I wanted to get in touch with you so that you wouldn't worry. I am ok. I was not stolen or magnetnapped, but I made this decision on my own. I could only take so much. From parking lot to parking lot...Athens to Alpharetta, Alpharetta to Athens, Athens to McDonough, McDonough to Athens...that is all I ever did! I needed a break. But I am ok. And I will be back soon. But there are so many journey's that await me. I will share with you my first one so far. I made my way back to downtown, because I rarely go there, and decided to see a play. What better place to go than the Fox Theater? I saw a nice show called Tyler Perry's Madae Goes to Jail. I know it sounds strange. But I thought it might be worth it. ...my first play ever. I was even lucky enough to have someone take my picture in front of part of the Theater, so that you could see I was really there. I cannot wait to see what the future holds. Until my next adventure ---
- The Lost G –

Dear Bob-O,
Hello again! I am glad I finally got the chance to update you on my travels. After my visit to the Fox Theater I decided to look around the downtown area a little more. I found my way over to the Georgia Institute of Technology campus in hopes that I might meet another magnet like myself. Well, not exactly like myself of course, but you know what I mean. Instead, I ran into their mascot, a yellow jacket. I must say, he was a lot bigger than I had expected and very defensive at first when he saw that I was on their campus, but Buzz turned out to be a very nice guy. (See our picture I have attached!) Yes, I was a little out of place, but after our initial encounter he showed me around some more...it was quite fun. Not the atmosphere I am used to, but it was a nice change. Well, I hope you are looking forward to my next adventures as much as I am, and I am so glad that my vacation idea has gone over well with you so far. I'm enjoying my opportunity to see new things, maybe even travel the world? We will see. Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G -

Dear Bob-O,
I must say, I have been extremely busy in my travels this week. I have gone farther than I ever have before. After my marvelous visit with Buzz at Georgia Tech, he was kind enough to send me off with some of his friends who were traveling down Interstate-20. So I went along for a ride, and before I knew it I ran into some people that I believe you know. Two very lovely ladies showed me around the campus of West Georgia. Being so used to The University of Georgia, I was shocked to see how much smaller this one was. It was very nice though. Please, do look at the picture I took to document my experience. I hope I have not caused you too much worry, but I am, very much, enjoying myself. I hope you are looking forward to my next update as much as I am. You never know where the road may lead. Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G -
Dear Bob-O,
I am so excited about where I have gone! The attached pictures will give you a little hint. It is so fascinating to have traveled this far for the first time. I hope that when I return you will be willing to travel with me. It does get lonely at times. Although, everyone I meet is very kind. I am begining to wonder whether you miss me. I have not heard from you. I hope things are well. I must continue. Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G –

Dear Bob-O,
Oh the fun I'm having! I continued the drive through Alabama and into Mississippi crossing over a very beautiful bridge! But I did not do much in Mississippi. All of the commotion seemed to be in Louisiana. So that is where I headed. Unfortunately something terrible has happened there recently! Almost everywhere I went I had to travel through water. It was quite unpleasant, and I was happy to finally find some dry areas. I met up with a nice man named Pablo (our picture is included) who was doing some construction on nearby buildings and it looked like he needed some help, so I helped him out for a while. It was very fun, I've never been so productive before! But afterwards I was very tired! So I took a day to rest up. The next day, I needed to continue thinking about my travels, but because I had worked so hard the day before I thought I deserved a much needed time of recreation. I headed over to what looked like an enormous gymnasium in hopes of playing some basketball...yes I know, you wouldn't expect me to like basketball, but I do enjoy it. To my surprise the gymnasium was completely abandoned, as you can see from my documenting photo. It would have been very hard to play a game by myself, so I made plans to leave and continue on in my travels. It has been a very eventful week, I had hoped to update you more, but I am sure you yourself have been very busy as well. I hope all is well.
Until my next adventure--

- The Lost G -

Hello Bob-O!
Something amazing happened to me! I got to ride on a motorcycle for the first time! While looking for a way to continue my travels I found a police officer on a motorcycle, who was hesitant at first to take me along, but when he realized I wouldn't be in the way he agreed! It was very scary at first, but I got used to it. This is how I traveled in to Texas. Yep, Texas. I can't wait to see what lies ahead here. There is so much to do in such a large state. I have some ideas but I would not want to spoil the surprises. I hope you are ok. I hope I have the right address. I can not believe I have not heard from you since I have been gone. Are you mad at me? Please do not be.
Until my next adventure--

- The Lost G -

Dear Bob-O,
As you know I am currently in Texas. I just wanted you to know that I'm in good hands. :o) Wouldn't you agree? (See attached) You can't be mad now can you?
Until my next adventure--
- The Lost G -

Can you guess where I've been? (pictures from Europe)
- The Lost G -

Oh, but the adventures are so great. (pictures more pictures from Europe)
- The Lost G -
The G also went rock climbing in Arizona...
To California by way of UPS...
Sent the Bob-O a picture with some roses...because he missed him...
And almost made it to Japan...but he feared The Bob-O would have a heart attack...
I appologize greatly for the lack of pictures, but they just wouldn't load! I'm sorry! So sorry, they wer really the best part...especially at the end there. BUT, I would be more than happy to email them to you if you are interested.


Why I never liked English Class

There is a point to this post, that has to do with its title, but I'm afraid I won't reach that point until the very end. I'm sorry, happy reading!

To begin, if you have read The Da Vinci Code book...the movie will be a little disappointing.

Well, as you can see, I have been reading The Da Vinci Code because of all the controversy surrounding it so that I could come to my own conclusions. I don't think Christians should be afraid of it, but willing to defend the real Truth that it challenges. First off, I would like everyone to know, that at it's core, the story line of The Da Vinci Code contradicts itself. It claims that Mary Magdalene is the 'divine feminine' meaning that she, rather than Jesus, is worthy of being worshiped. Why? Because they said that Jesus wanted Mary Magdalene, rather than Peter, to be the one to lead His church after his death. This, also based on the fact that Jesus was supposedly just a prophet (= A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression). Therefore, not God, not divine, and thus dead today rather than alive (which he is by the way...alive). But Mary Magdalene's divinity is based on the fact that Jesus gave her that great responsibility. BUT, if he was just a prophet/man, then Jesus himself...or God... was not divine and therefore cannot "bless" Mary Magdalene with carrying on any kind of divinity at all.


Another reason why the book, and the story it tells can be seen in no way as truth, is because the majority of the "messages" that carry the "truth" are interpreted from art. And for anyone who has ever been in a Mrs. Boyd or Mr. Smith English class, and are required to interpret author's meaning in a story or the allusions it contains, you'll know that there are MANY ways to interpret someone else's work...especially when they aren't alive to explain it to you. Who is to say one interpretation is the correct one? It is wrong to say "This is what Da Vinci was really trying to tell us in his painting" if he is not there to confirm or reject the analysis.

...so, this is the reason why I never liked English class. Because if you interpreted one thing one way, and it didn't align with what the teacher had come up with, then your interpretation was wrong. I guess that leaves my overall point to be: can't we just look at art work and admire the talent of the artist without putting our own meanings into it? If there was something they wanted to say, they would have just written it down!


Meet Duncan

Hi Everybody! This is Duncan. He is my new Dog! Check out his cuteness.
Below are some picture of him from the first day we got him, up until now. Some of the pictures may have gotten messed up in the "collaging" process (ie the one of Duncan with King Kong), but you can still see how cute he is.

Duncan is somewhere around 5 - 6 years old. He weighs 26 pounds (so far). He has brown eyes, and white fur at the bottom of each paw. He is a mix of terriers, and has wirey hair. And, of course, he likes to go on long walks. hehehe. (but he really does!) He was a stray when we found him, and was covered in ticks, but after a little doctoring up, he doesn't smell bad and is tick-free!
He LOVES to be around people, and doesn't like to be left alone :o( He follows me around like I'm his mother duck. He is currently recovering from a heart worm treatment, which means he isn't supposed to get a lot of exersize for a while. So I'm trying to keep him calm, but it is difficult.
My mom calls him her Granddog. :o)

Come and meet him some time!
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Eligible Bachelors

Lady's and Gentlemen...

I would like to introduce to you, Alex and Scott.

Ok...that's all I wanted to say :o/



A thousand times I've failed, still your mercy remains,
Should I stumble again, til I'm caught in your grace?
Everlasting. Your light will shine when all else fades.
Neverending. You glory goes beyond all fame.

Your will above all else, my purpose remains,
The art of losing myself, in bringing you praise.
Everlasting. Your light will shine when all else fades.
Neverending. Your glory goes beyond all fame.

In my heart and my soul, I give you control.
Consume me from the indside out.
Let justice and praise,
Become my embrace,
Consume me from the inside out!

Your will above all else, my purpose remains,
The art of losing myself, in bringing you praise.
Everlasting. Your light will shine when all else fades.
Neverending. Your glory goes beyond all fame.

In my heart and my soul, I give you control.
Consume me from the indside out, Lord.
Let justice and praise,
Become my embrace,
To love you from the inside out!

Everlasting! Your light will shine when all else fades!
Neverending! Your glory goes beyond all fame!
And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise!
From the inside out, oh my soul cries out - LORD!

In my heart and my soul, I give you control.
Consume me from the inside out, Lord.
Let justice and praise, become my embrace,
To love you from the inside out.

Everlasting! Your light will shine when all else fades!
Neverending! Your glory goes beyond all fame!
And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise!
From the inside out, oh my soul cries out -

Everlasting! Your light will shine when all else fades!
Neverending! Your glory goes beyond all fame!
And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise!
From the inside out, oh my soul cries out, from the inside out, oh my soul cried out - LORD!

From the Inside Out
Hear it! Live it! Love it!


Disciple Now 2006

This weekend we had Disciple Now.
~ The Challenge of Choices ~

It was a great weekend full of laughter, learning, and growth for all involved. Below is a picture of my group.
Leaders: Julie Swafford and Myself
10th grade girls: Caitlyn, Hayley, Katie, Jessi, Amanda, Rachel, Breanna, and Morgen.

We had a great time! And Algernon and Steve Fee helped us end the weekend fired up and motivated.

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2
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This is a disclaimer on behalf of Alex concerning the previous post:

Alex does know how to change a tire.
Alex made a decision based on the surrounding conditions, in regards to safety, not to change the tire.
Alex wants everyone to know that Luke says "It's OK!"

For further questions on any of the points addressed above, please contact Alex Campbell.



Tuesday Nights Are Always Exciting!

Whether it be because of a last minute trip, a planned outing, or just because something entirely random happens, Tuesday nights are ALWAYS exciting. This Tuesday Night was no exception. At 722, Hillsong United (Australian Worship Band) came for a concert (see picture) Posted by Picasa
So we enjoyed worshipping with them until 10:30(!!!) It was GRRREAT ...although an hour later than we usually are there until...but that's ok, because they are from Australia.

Following all the fun, Alex and I get into the car and drive to the gas station, because I need gas real bad. So we get gas..I learn that they still let you pump gas even when they are closed, if you pay by credit card ( I never knew that!)... We get back into the car and head for the on-ramp to 400. So we are driving down the on-ramp and all of a sudden we heard this funny "scratchy" noise from underneath my car. Then Alex chimes in with "I think it's a flat." ...how much fun could that be!? So we pull over, get out and look, and sure enough...I have a flat tire. :o/ Not cool. Need a visual?



So then the real adventure began ... waiting. For some reason Alex and I always spend a long time in cars together. It's quite fun. But anyway. After the tow truck driver getting the wrong directions, and turning around to come get us, we finally made it off of the side of the road and home. It was 1:30AM. ...and I still had a paper to finish and a presentation to prepare for for the next day (today). So I went to bed at 3:30AM. I'm tired.

One more thing...I tried to put the spare/donut tire on the car this afternoon, and everything was going fine, until I got to the lug nuts. They are SO tight! I was standing on the lug nut wrench and it still didn't budge. Here is the proof of my efforts...

...and I had already washed my hands once...

Well, that's all for today!


What do you run for?

Running is probably the most eventful part of my "daily" routine.

When I run, I usually run up to the Zoo, to run around Grant Park. Along the way I run by people - some that say hi some that don't, some that tell me "keep on goin' you can make it," or "hey, you want a ride?" (while riding by on his skate board...??). Occasionally, when running through the Zoo parking lot, I'll catch people that are making out in their cars. Remember, I said eventful. I run by animals, that I always want to pet! ...but that would slow me down, so I resist. I run by construction, new houses, old houses, big trucks, lots of machinery...pretty much everything besides air planes and aliens.
In addition to all that, when I run I think a lot. That is eventful all in itself :o) Whether I am listening to some podcast that challenges my beliefs or brings up new issues that I've never thought about, or just thinking about my life while listening to music...my mind ends up running along with my legs.

But most of all, running gives me a chance to talk to God about my day. Despite all the distractions it's very effective. It helps me clear my mind and begin to think straight about anything that I've let my emotions skew out of proportion. It's a way to get away from reality and focus on what really matters, and I need that far to often.

This is time to give you all the praise that you deserve.
Oh Lord you mercy turns us into grateful people.
We can't seem to find the words.
Take our lives, that they might be enough, to tell you how grateful...
...Lord we are grateful.


Spring Break Was...

My official Spring Break, is now over. What did I do? I went skiing!!! With Matthew.

Check out that lovely view. That is from almost the top of Sugar Mountain in NC. The slopes at this place were great! ...lots of them ...they were very long ...they had lots of snow (and a lot of it was real!) ...and it was March, so it wasn't that crowded.

So our plan was to document the entire trip this time. Like take pictures as we leave, and where we eat, and of us skiing, and leaving and everything.

Well, we ended up not doing all of that. So here some of the pictures we DO have.

The slope that Matthew is at the bottom of, is a double black diamond. It looks much steeper in person. People were coming down it so cauciously...it was scary!

I also made a video while skiing, but the camera was angled toward the sky instead of the slope...so i didn't turn out like I wanted, and I didn't want to rick breaking the camera anymore.

But regardless of our lack of documenting...it was lots of, much needed, fun.



From Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

The Side of Truth
Jill Carattini

It was for me a dawning thought packed within the confines of a recurring chorus. "And the truth's not contingent on me." I still remember the notion catching my attention and then hanging there in my mind like a portrait I was having a hard time getting my eyes around. At the time, it was an utterly startling and freeing image; namely, God did not need me to uphold the pillars and pieces of Christianity to make it a true and valid thing to believe in. It is an incredibly simple lesson with which to be struck, perhaps exposing a self-centered worldview as much as my misunderstanding of the old, old story. And yet, it was an awakening not only to the Christian story as I discovered that day, but also to the very nature of truth itself. Truth is truth whether we choose to stand beside it or not.

Perhaps as a reaction to the intense rationalism of the modern era, postmodern thought tends to emphasize the idea that all is not as it might seem. But the preference is now anti-rationalism or anti-realism. We want to create our own reality, a mosaic of truths that will suit our own needs. Intrinsic to this approach is the concept of practicality. If it is in anyway useful to our lives then it is viewed as a "valid" truth. I once heard someone note this in a statement she went as far as to call her life's motto. She said, "If you can't use what you know to be true then it isn't worth knowing." Such is the current mood; one where truth itself can be deemed unworthy of knowing. Writes C.S. Lewis, "Man is becoming as narrowly 'practical' as the irrational animals."

Yet the posture of preference and practicality, though widely present among us, is hardly a new approach to the quest for truth. As Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate he told him, "I came into this world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me" (John 18:37-38). Before Pilate had even uttered his sardonic reply"What is truth?"Jesus's words in that profoundly charged conversation cut to the crumbling foundation on which men have stood from antiquity to postmodernism: the search for truth is all too often not about truth at all.

As an acquaintance one time commented, "I refuse to let anyone tell me what my truth is." But does such a statement even make sense? Truth corresponds to reality, not preference or opinion. If the quest for truth is about personal appetite, contingent only on the individual holding the belief, anything and everything could be deemed true. Such an approach taken in realms of science or history would be thoroughly mocked in its ridiculousness. We know better than this.

The same Gospel that relays the conversation of Jesus and Pilate on the subject of truth begins with the powerful thought of God at the beginning of all things. Whatever truth is it is something far beyond me, corresponding with reality, coherently giving shape to my life. In the Christian story, there is a beginning, a middle, and an end, none of which is contingent on us. Christ has come to testify to this reality and lead us to truth itself. He is Lord whether we choose to stand beside him or not.

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Best Diet Plan Ever!

Ok, so I've figured it out. The secret that all women have been waiting for... A diet that works. Here's the plan, in 4 easy steps:

#1 - buy or receive as a gift, an iPod (any size and memory capacity will work)

#2 - actually use it to keep you occupied while running, or walking.

#3 - obtain allergies to all things capable of blooming, thus losing sense of smell (by-way-of runny and clogged nasal passages) and therefore ability to taste.

#4 - Eat most healthy, and probably most disgusting, food you can find. Why? Because you can't taste anything! Your desire to eat - while remaining - will become less essential and more mundane.

So there it is... Work out more, eat less and if not less, much healthier, you'll never know the difference. (if you see results checks can be made to "Susan Kommeth")

No seriously, Spring is my least favorite season. It always has been...and for one reason. Pollen. Of all kinds... I don't discriminate. It's all equal.
I mean, look at the stuff. It just looks evil. I bet it had no friends in school.

For the last week I have not been able to smell or taste anything. It's been terrible!
And the eating gross healthy food because you can't taste it part (the 4th step of my diet plan), is SO true. My parents have been eating all this weird food cause my mom is on this crazy diet (she should try mine!) and I had some this weekend. But yah know...I can't tell you it was bad...and I can't tell you it was good either...cause I couldn't taste it. Not a bit. (the one time I was thankful I couldn't taste!)

So...tonight, after running (step #2) with my iPod, I came in and tried to think of what to have for dinner. It was pointless. I didn't want to eat anything, because that would be so wasteful since I can't actually taste it... So I ended up eating tortilla chips (since they only have salt on them) and drinking a Cherry Coke (because they are filling) ... even though it about killed me to drink a Cherry Coke and not taste it...but that was the only carbonated drink we had. I probably should have just made some rice instead. But it's all about the same anyway.

But don't worry. Pollen won't get the best of me. Oh no! I have weapons to fight back...Alavert, Nyquil... Hopefully summer will hurry up and get here... That will be fun. I should have a anti UV-ray entry by then.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22
...I think that includes pollen...


Honest Abe

Why can't our country remain focused on it's original foundational principles? Lincoln even saw it slipping...

We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which has preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended power, to confess our national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness." [March 30, 1863]

Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14



Last night there was a new episode of LOST. So Maria, Rocky, and I decided to make a LOST-inspired meal

This is our Exotic Spinach and Wild Berry Salad.
It was yummy!

This is our Island Style Jerked Boar Meat!
Even yummier!

Here are the Other's Asparagus.

Our dessert was Wild Banana Pudding. But I forgot to take a picture of it! Sorry!

...awaiting the next episode of LOST...


Replacing Xanga

So... I'm going to start using this instead of Xanga.

Why you ask?

Because everyone else uses it... it's easier to post pictures... and David got one... so now I can comment on his :o)

See Ya Around!