
At the Technopole...

At the Technopole there is a lake...
In the lake there is an island...
On the island there are some birds...

When it starts to get dark the birds like to fly around...as if they were fish in the lake. I thought you might like to watch them.

They fly like this for a really long time.

There are also a lot of crows that live there. They are huge and they walk around everywhere. Even on top of GTL. I use the 4th floor for my English lessons and while we are there the crows will land on part of the 3rd floor roof and peck at the wall of the room we are in. It is terribly annoying. Supposedly they don't do this year round. BUT, I have a better understanding now of why people used to be afraid of the Hitchcock movie, "The Birds."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those birds resemble the black smoke that Mr. Eko faced on LOST. Creepy.